Friday, September 13, 2013

Long overdue pics with the MCs

Carter and Ainsley were so excited to see McKenzie and McKayla when they came up from Cincinnati for the Ohio State fair!



 Coordinating cool is that?

Carter's teething...I think.
Ainsley using those teeth to take the mushroom's ear off.
Though Mackenzie and Mckayla live in Cincinnati, they have seen the twins grow up.
Here is a picture from their first visit when the twins were only two months old.

Monday, September 2, 2013

More solids and other milestones

The venture into solids has continued to be an interesting journey. The twin's first food other than rice cereal were green beans mixed with breast milk and rice cereal which they seemed to tolerate. After about three days of this, I was excited to let them move onto to something tastier - sweet potatoes. They enjoyed them as much as the green beans. I can't tell if they liked them or not but they ate a decent sized portion. Since then, we've introduced a new solid after three days of any particular vegetable or fruit. So far, they have tried broccoli, squash, carrots, cantaloupe, watermelon, avocado, bananas, apples and butternut squash.

Carter prefers sweet over savory and enjoys his fruits. He is the neater eater and will basically eat what you spoon into his mouth. This usually results in him eating until he gets food coma and stares off in space. Little guy needs all the food he can eat!

Ainsley started off really excited about solids and would lunge at the spoon with her mouth wide open. She would then try to chomp on the spoon with the four little teeth she now has! She would also grab the spoon with both hands and try to shove it down her throat. It's hard to tell if Ainsley prefers savory or sweets but she will definitely make it known if she doesn't like something; spitting out what you've spoon into her mouth repeatedly.

Another milestone that Ainsley has reached is being able to sit up on her own if you set her up. I didn't even think to try it until my brother's girlfriend, Stephanie, put her in a sitting position. I looked over and saw that Ainsley could hold her own body up!

"People say I look like my uncle Henry. Do I?"