Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Family genes

Ever since Will and I started talking about having kids, he has acknowledged that they wouldn't look like him due to his genes being recessive compared to mine. It was something he had come to terms with. Since he always insisted upon that, I just assumed that they would look like me. Imagine my surprise when I saw my babies and neither one of them look like either one of us!

At first glance, people would say Carter looks like me due to his skin coloring and Ainsley looks like Will. This assumption may be correct but upon closer inspection, I think Carter has Will's eyes because mine certainly are not that big.


The mystery was so compelling that I dug up baby pictures from both of us to compare. Carter does bear some resemblence to me when our baby pictures were placed side by side.
Left: Lovanna Center: Carter Right: Will
Left: Lovanna Center: Ainsley Right: Will
We didn't have any acceptable pictures of when Ainsley was first born (i.e. not gross and covered in goo) so we'll go with one after she's been cleaned. Her resemblence to Will is remarkable though he claims that her eyes do not look like his. But do they look like mine?
As if Ainsley and Will's baby pictures leave any doubt that she is his daughter, Ainsley also immediately calms down when he sings to her. For those of you who have heard Will sing, you know what I'm talking about. He particularly likes to sing the words "Ainsley loves daddy more than milk" over and over again to her. It works.
Carter is definitely a Mommy's boy so far. We could be in different rooms and him sound asleep but if I even step into the same room for a second, he'll cry for me. I like to sing "Mommy love you!" to him especially when trying to calm him down during diaper changes. He hates them and screams with a vengenance but is always happy after the change. Why doesn't he put those together? Diaper change = clean and comfortable diaper. Needless to say, he's a little high maintenance but he's our high maintenance baby. He whimpers and we jump to do anything we can to keep it from becoming a full fledge cry.
My sister thinks Carter looks hispanic based on his skin tone and features. Will likes to call him Enrique especially when he's in his yellow hat but that might have to do with his obsession with Anna Kournikova.
Ainsley is the dream baby. She eats and sleeps happily. We actually don't have as many pictures of Ainsley because she's always sleeping. I've always thought she looked like a baby doll.

Every day, Carter and Ainsley are changing little by little. It'll be interesting to see if they will start to resemble us more later.



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