Monday, October 28, 2013

Normal is good

I used to feel sad for about a week after vacation when settling back into the normal day to day routine. Now, I actually find some relief in the normalcy of getting Carter and Ainsley back in their routine. That means everyone might start sleeping again and babies will go back to what is familiar to them which makes them happy.

Back to feeding solids. We started giving them some finger foods so they can exercise their little pinchers. Puffs and bananas were some of the first things we gave to them.

Ainsley loves feeding herself!
 Carter is working very hard at getting the puff into his mouth.
Will calls this Ainsley's ugly smile. I, on the other hand, love this picture of Ainsley and find her super smile endearing. She only flashes one of these when she's very happy.
I also love this picture of Carter.


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