Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My big fat family vacation - first stop Pigeon Forge

The twins went on their first big, family vacation this summer. It entailed a long road trip down to Hilton Head, South Carolina with a stop in Pigeon Forge, Tennesee. To prepare for this enormous undertaking, I stocked up on swim diapers and Gerber puffs for the trip. I was also looking for a car seat toy to keep Carter and Ainsley occupied. I dislike road trips and get bored on the road so I can only imagine what could go through their minds if we're in the car any longer than a couple of hours.

Two days before we leave, I found two carseat toys that attached to the handles of the car seat. It contained some play things which played music if you push the button. It felt like fate finding these on one of my few shopping excursions now. Not only were there two of them together, they were cheaper than the backup toy I had saved in my Amazon cart. As if that wasn't enough, I found one extra for my sister too when I searched through the aisles one more time.

The morning we were set to leave, I had packed 3+ bags of luggage in various modes of transport (suitcase, bendable bag, duffle bag) and was armed with two car seat toys, two DVD players with Baby signing time DVDs, puffs, teethers, baby water bottles and some of the twins other favorite toys.

We got out of the house at a decent hour but still lost an hour due to rush hour traffic. The twins did amazingly well on the road but did need to eat every few hours and cried when they wanted to be picked up. I sat in the little mini seat the entire time between them so I could answer their every whim.  Add to it restroom breaks, gas stations to refuel, stops to feed the babies and to feed ourselves, it was almost 8 hours when we finally arrived at Pigeon Forge.

The sun was still out and after checking in, we all changed into our swimsuits and hit the pool.

Carter and Ainsley getting some time on the laptop after a long day on the road.
Happy to be free from their car seats.
I love grits! First of many Southern meals to start off vacation.


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