Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring is Here!

As much fun as watching the snow fall is, by the time April rolls around I was getting a little cabin fever. I think the kids were too, as they'd cry to be not only picked up, but moved around. You can only go around the kitchen island with them so many times before you begin to go just a little insane.

So of course, the first day it was decent out, I was begging Lovanna 'Can we take the kids for a walk?' Decent in my mind was 50+... Mrs. Lee dictated the kids should not go out until it was 60+...  So watching that thermostat ever so closely, the first time it inched over 60 I was out to do a loop around the block. First Carter and then Ainsley in the new ErgoBaby Lovanna had bought for us. Emmy was fascinated I had a baby on my belly, and was just as curious as to whether Brian had one in his belly.. (Love that kid!!)

So time went by, and walks are becoming a more normal thing. We've started to get to know a few new neighbors, as well as a few new additions to the block. This past Saturday we were determined to get some actual walking in. We made it as far as the soccer fields - probably about half a mile. Making progress proved more difficult than Oregon Trail was on the old Apple IIC, what with the beer at the Cathers, the new baby on the corner, and a whole new family with a new baby 2 more houses down..

On the way back we could hear a party in full swing a few houses down from ours. The kids were, of course, far more popular than yours truly; Kelly did manage to share Carter a little.. Ainsley made her rounds too, and had a chance to be held by many of them, including a few of the little girls - Sydney, Evan, Jenna, and Laney (Laney had the bad luck to go last when Ainsley decided she was HUNGRY so she'll have to pose for a photo opp next time!! ) :
We had a blast (thanks Brian and Jen) but we stayed out waaay to late. This was only exasperated by Carter coming down with a cold (his first) on Sunday evening. On top of getting him to bed late, he woke up screaming in the middle of the night.. poor little guy - and no sleep for you know who..

Tonight Mom had plans and Dad is here hoping he can feed them and get them to bed without incident. I would have loved to be at the Orange Township meeting in an effort to keep the Adult Motel out of the community, but priorities and such.. Speaking of which, sounds like Ainsley just woke up, so I'm off!


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