Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The kids are getting so big now. Sometimes I forget how fast they are growing but once in a while, I see them and remember how small they used to be. Then I am struck by surprise at how big they are now.
3 month Carter

10 month Carter

Carter no longer stays still during his diaper changes and tries to roll off the changing pad. Every single time.

3 month Ainsley
10 month Ainlsey 
Ainsley's scary mean look when she gets angry about getting her diaper changed. Every single time.

You'd think the kids would thank our overzealous nature when it comes to frequent diaper changes. No diaper rash. The fact that they won't ever get used to the feeling of a dirty diaper for easier potty training later-or so I tell myself. Sigh, the things they don't know to appreciate.

 This is still one of my favorite pictures ever.


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