So yesterday Carter projectile vomitted all over Mom, and I got a chestful from Ainsley last night while trying to give her Kangaroo time. Neither of the 4 of us had bathed all weekend. This had to stop. The kids were fed, had had their diaper changed, and were calm. Why not push our luck and throw in a bath?
So once we collaboratively decided the bath water temperature was acceptable, we decided Ainsley would go first. She's generally a bit tougher than little Carter right now, and she was done feeding. Of course Carter finished a bit slower so he escaped going first.

We got her clean, and even poured water over her head to rinse the soap/shampoo off, and nothing. So proud of my little girl. Maybe some of Grandfather who was a Senior Olympics Gold Medal award winner in swimming was passed down to her..

Next came young Carter's turn. This one was on Lovanna. Apparently both babies like the water, he was fine. So relieved/proud/glad that our babies smell like little babies again!!
So here's one of the really fun parts of little twins - pulling out real cute outfits from the giant wardrobe of a closet that all of you have so generously given us:
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I love these bath time pictures! The twins are growing, which means they'll sleep longer! Cutie pies! -Anna
what is up with that picture next to ainsley?
@Stella - don't tell me you don't see the resemblance!
I loved the pictures! -Sherry
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