Friday, March 1, 2013

transitional week

This is the view Mommy gets because all I do is eat and sleep.

Earlier this month, I didn't know or care what day of the week it was. It didn't matter whether it was a Monday, Friday or Saturday because there really was no difference between day and night. This past week, Will returned to work and suddenly I really cared about what day of the week it was. I won't go into the details of the difficult transition this week has been because that would just result in more complaints about sleep deprivation....and well, that just gets kind of old.

This week has taken its toll on me though and I feel like I am coming down with a cold now. Will asked me to try to nurse the babies today so that they can get more antibodies despite all the times they have rejected me. Oh, what a taste of my own medicine...

My mom has been making nutritious soups and the traditional pickled pigs feet dish that all aid in milk production. I've reached my limit on the pigs feet and turn my nose up at it now....."No thanks mommy. But will you microwave me some of that Aldi beef ravioli (with the fake meat and probably fake pasta that contains no nutritional value other than an overdose of sodium)?" Sigh, karma sucks. Well, at least I still drink the soups she makes.

I like to eat and eat and eat until you think I can't eat anymore. Then I'll eat again. Mwah ha ha!


The night starts with a little bit of sleep followed by both babies crying. There are songs born out of this time that makes absolutely no sense and are grammatically incorrect. But it stops the crying and that is its only requirement. I don't want to forget these songs.
"I am the Carter. You are the Carter. We are the Carter. Carter. Carter. Carter. Carter."
"I am the Ainsley. You are the Ainsley. We are the Ainsley. Ainsley. Ainsley. Ainsley. Ainsley"
Ainsley's song doesn't roll of the tongue as well so I came up with another one.
"I love you baby girl. I love you baby girl. I love you baby girl girl girl."
Will has one for them during diaper changes.
"Ainsley/Carter rides a bicycle, bicycle, bicyle. Ainsley rides a bicycle and she gets a big stretch!"


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