So while folding laundry the other day, we were watching 'How I Met Your Mother'.. Specifically, we were watching an episode shortly after
and the plot line of the story was on how new parents tend to dismiss everything and everyone else in their lives, placing priority on their new children. At the end of the episode the thought was that parents are too obsessed with their children, and should not forget about their friends. It made me want to strangle whatever non-parents who came up with that episode.
Never once have I forgotten my friends, or what it was like to be able to go out and do whatever we want on a whim. Instead, I have lost the time/luxury to think about such things.
Lets talk about the typical day:
5:30am - wake up terrified I've forgotten the set the alarm the night before.
6.10 - Wake up 10 minutes late because I did forget to set the alarm.
6.11 - Walk upstairs half asleep. Listen for wailing.
6.12 - Pickup whichever twin is crying, or closest to the edge of the bed.
6.13 - Turn off the humidifier, space heater, and sound machine.
6.14 - Attempt to take the Aiden & Anais sleeps sacks off of inconsolable baby while Lovanna attempts the same with the other.
6.15 -Turn on shower, pee, wait for water to heat up
6.16 - Shower.
6.23 - Towel off. Listen for crying. If no crying, shave.
6.30 - Assuming babies are crying, forego shaving. Take Carter from Lovanna.
6.31 - Change Carter's diaper because he won't eat well while he has a dirty diaper.
6.32 - Return Carter to Mom. Take Ainsley and change her diaper.
6.33 - Take Ainsley down to living room to play
6.34 - Let Wasabi out.
6.35 - Take 6 baby bottles out of the dishwasher/cabinet.
6.36 - Pour ~3 oz of milk into each bottle. Find lids. Put on lids
6.37 - Take off lids and put the D Vi Sol in that I forgot.
6.38 - Put the lids and caps on the bottles and put in a bag by the door.
6.39 - Find all the pieces for Lovanna's daily pumping.
6.40 - Let Wasabi back in
6.41 - Feed wasabi .
6.45 - Go upstairs and see if lovanna is out of shower. If so, ask her if its ok to start packing up the twins.
6.57 - Pack up Ainsley.
7.03 - Pack up Carter.
7.05 - Put a twin in the van while Lovanna puts on shoes
7.07 - Put other twin in the van.
7.10 - Leave the house wishing we could have left 10 minutes earlier to avoid traffic.
7.17 - Drop the twins off at Mother In Laws'
7.25 - Wait forever at the light to get back on 23.
7.55 - This is best case for when I get to the office. Bad traffic adds 30 minutes. IF we left the house by 6.55 traffic is way less bad.
4.15PM- Lovanna picks me up from work.
4.45 - Arrive at Mother in laws' to pick up twins.
5.00 - leave stella's with twins in van
5.10 - Get home
5.15 Unpack twins from the Van. Lovanna Takes Hungriest twin upstairs for diaper and feeding.
5.16 Let out Wasabi (Henry does this most days, thanks. Otherwise we'd often see poop)
5.17 Take other twin upstairs and change diaper
5.20 - Both twins eat.
5.40 - Both twins are done eating.
- Every other night is bath night. This takes between 15 and 20 minutes depending on whether its just a effort to clean or if we let them play after.
6.00 - Let them play for 20 minutes, try to read them a book while other parent tries to put something together quick for dinner.
6.20 - Put twins in high chairs. Carter eats like a champ. Ainsley refuses anything, and what she does not refuse she rubs throughout the hair which has just been cleaned.
6.40 - Put them down on the floor in living room to play. Eat while they play. Tell Ainsley to stop pulling Carter's hair.
7.00 - Take the twins up to their room
7.10 - Change Diapers
7.15 - Put the twins in their sleep sacks. Brush Teeth.
7.20 - Lovanna begins feeding.
7.25 - Refil Humidifier
7.27 - Clean up all the toys from babies room.
7.45 - Rock whichever baby doesnt fall asleep while eating.
8.00 - Go to basement and get frozen milk from the freezer
8.10 - place all the bottles into the dishwasher.
Every other night - run the dishwasher or freeze new breastmilk
8.20 - Let Wasabi out.
8.30 - Put a load of Laundry in washer
8.45 - Clean up the mess from where the twins ate.
9.00 - Check for messages from work, and try and get as much done in 30 minutes as possible. If no work, do reading for MBA school.
9.30 - Move clothes from washer to dryer.
9.35 - Fold / sort laundry that was washed the previous night
10.00 - Brush teeth, etc, get ready for bed.
If EVERYTHING goes perfectly, I then go to sleep, while Lovanna spend some time surfing. IF anything else went wrong, you get to bed by 11.
6-7 hours a night, sleep. Thank God that the twins are sleeping through the night.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
5:22 PM

The kids are getting so big now. Sometimes I forget how fast they are growing but once in a while, I see them and remember how small they used to be. Then I am struck by surprise at how big they are now.
3 month Carter
10 month Carter
Carter no longer stays still during his diaper changes and tries to roll off the changing pad. Every single time.
10 month Ainlsey
Ainsley's scary mean look when she gets angry about getting her diaper changed. Every single time.
You'd think the kids would thank our overzealous nature when it comes to frequent diaper changes. No diaper rash. The fact that they won't ever get used to the feeling of a dirty diaper for easier potty training later-or so I tell myself. Sigh, the things they don't know to appreciate.
This is still one of my favorite pictures ever.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we've had several days of snow but then it all melted mid-December. Will was disappointed we weren't going to have a white Christmas but then I woke up to a nice dusting on Christmas eve. Carter and Ainsley's first Christmas was a white Christmas!!
We were all going to my sister's for the day but decided to let Carter and Ainsley open some presents first. The best part of the presents to them was definitely ripping the wrapping paper off.
We were all going to my sister's for the day but decided to let Carter and Ainsley open some presents first. The best part of the presents to them was definitely ripping the wrapping paper off.
My sister had an itinerary for the day. It started with brunch consisting of lots of bacon, French toast, sausage and many other various breakfast items. Story time followed to help the kids learn the true meaning of Christmas and then the kids got to open their presents. It was also a first Christmas for their cousin Ally and the first one that Bella remembers.
All of their cousins had a good workout opening their gifts too. This was followed by naps, more food, white elephant gift exchange and food coma.
Carter's already enjoying his presents.
Trying to get a Christmas family photo...
Christmas 2013

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