Visiting my sister's and Ainsley is lounging in their kiddie chair.
The twins still fight their bed time. Here is how I found Carter when I left them alone so they would sleep. He's managed to climb on top of the shelves and then shows me a book he wanted me to read to delay bedtime.
I rushed up to the room when the video feed stopped and this was the reason why. One of the kids unplugged it from the wall.
We've had to find ways to get the twins to go to sleep. We bring them up to their room around 7-730pm and if left alone, they will play for at least an hour. Carter had a habit of not sleeping until 930pm and that was unacceptable.
Most recently, I would rock Ainsley to sleep in the room because she will stay in the bed. Then Will rocks Carter in the next room over and lays him in a pack and play. He's more likely to fall asleep quicker that way when he can't run around the room. It seems to work.....for now.