Little Carter was born weighing 6lbs, 2oz, and measured 19 inches tall. (We have since learned through our pediatrician that he is only 18 1/2 inches tall. )
Through the pregnancy, Ainsley had spent much of the time transverse, and once Carter was no longer in the womb with her, she decided to enjoy the space and go breach. Dr. Heidi Arbona and staff did an excellent job during the C section, and the kids were up with us on the patient floor within a few hours.
Once we found out that we would be having twins, I was an nervous wreck. I managed to convince my lovely wife to have an ultrasound done at week 15 as my birthday present. We went to have an early ultrasound done at UltraSona , and were joined by Aunty Suzanna. Almost immediately 'Baby A' was identified as being a baby boy. I was ecstatic as I was sure we were having two baby girls as some sort of cosmic revenge. My elation very quickly turned to nervous anticipation as I knew how badly my wife wanted a baby girl of her own. If we were to have twin sons, it would have been almost guaranteed we'd try again for a girl. I was already intimidated at the thought of twins. After much effort, and going over our time allotment, the technician was able to get the umbilical cord out of the way, and the news was in - Baby B was a baby girl. There was much rejoicing. I still say a thank you prayer every time I drive by that intersection..
From there, logistical planning took place. As she was keeping the genders a secret for her baby shower, creating a baby registry became somewhat complicated. We registered for just about every gender neutral item we could. Mom began designing a nursery, and I began trying to finish every project I could before they arrived.
Finally the nursery was designed, and I did my best not to screw it up:

She came up with an idea for our bonus room, so we loaded up the in-laws minivan to the brim with expedit shelving from Ikea. We now have expedits everywhere you can imagine: the nursery closet, Henry's room, and as storage in the bonus room. Knowing that little Timmy would be over to visit his cousins frequently, I had to come up with an electronics protection plan. An entertainment center was acquired, and with my buddy Matt's help, it now looks like a professional isntallation:
(Also point of emphasis - my AWESOME Christmas present from my totally AWESOME wife - the framed Michigan Helmet. )

While we wanted something that was aethestically pleasing, I was not going to put Pergo into a damp basement with a crawlspace. I also wasn't going to sink thousands into hardwood. My buddy Bill mentioned some tile he had put into his bathroom that looks like tile. Less than a thousand for a decent looking floor that I could install myself - sounded like a plan.
Next time I get a chance, I'll try and get some photos from the hospital up!
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