Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Whats in a name?

So why Carter Lee Nimmo?

Frankly, because I have loved that name for years, and Lavonna knew I loved it so much that she let me pick it. So this is really just my explanation of why I love the name so much that I would choose it for my son.

The name Carter has been around for a long time - wikipedia will tell you that Carter is a surname derived from merchants who moved things in carts.

The first time I heard Carter as a first name was a guy who played left field for my church softball team. I know slow pitch softball isn't a real sport, but I was still impressed at his skill. The second time was in the movie 'Deep Blue Sea' where you'll remember Carter was diving into the ocean to wrestle sharks on steroids.

Yet another reference to Carter was Anthony Carter, one of the greatest wide receivers to ever play for Michigan. The resemblance is overwhelming - and I'm tempted to nickname his ATM.

So none of those would actually warrant the naming of your first-born. But as most of you know, I have been fortunate enough to have spent a decent amount of time working for Habitat For Humanity. Twice, I have had the opportunity to work on a Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter Work Project - once in Detroit, and once in Compton.

While President Carter may go down in history as a horrible President, he is a great man. His efforts include his contribution to Habitat, as well as many other efforts around the world such as the eradication of the Guinea Worm in Africa. I had the pleasure of working with Rosalyn painting baseboard in Compton, and if you want a laugh - ask Vu about my story with the former first lady.

So when you put all these things together, I was really hopeful I might one day have a son and name him Carter. It may have been a little obvious when half of my video game characters were named Carter, including my firstborn in Sims.. I will be eternally grateful to my wife for allowing me to name Carter.

His middle name is Lee - referencing Lovanna's maiden name. Lee also happened to be the middle name of my brother, and numerous members of my Grandfather's lineage.

Here's a picture of Allison , Carter, Ainsley and Isabella I like to call 'One of These is Not Like The Other'

And a few more:


Lov said...

Funny, I remember your Sims character (you) being named Carter, not your firstborn.

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