Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Halloween 2014 celebrations

So I'm a little behind on this blog and here's my attempt to catch up.

My goals around fall/winter was to involve the twins in all the celebrations around this time of the year. They had a ton of fun at the pumpkin farm in October. October is also when our good friend throws a killer Halloween/Birthday party for her son who turned 2 this year. She always gets an abundance of delicious food, provide the best kid-friendly entertainment such as a balloon artist/face painter this year complete with swag bags that celebrity younguns would envy. This all culminates in a fun costume contest which all age groups were considered with prizes for all the winners. I lost count of the categories but Ainsley who dressed up as a ladybug won the toddler girl costume contest!

Then Halloween arrives at the end of the month and is celebrated with our neighbors who host an outdoor party with goodies and everyone brings their treats to pass out from their driveway. It's been an ongoing tradition and the twins got to really join in the fun this year. So much fun that I saw Ainsley take off running down their driveway toward the street while Will chased her down, finally tackling her right before she made it out on the road. Carter also skips down the driveway behind Will, giggling and cheering his sister on.....thank goodness he didn't also run into the road. This all happened when I took my eyes off them for a second while attempting to grab a bite.

There were some great kid costumes and we met new neighbors and got to catch up with ones we hadn't seen in a while. Conversation is not the same though when you always have to keep an eye on the kids though but it was still nice nonetheless. One of the neighbors brought his new Siberian husky pup over and Ainsley was overjoyed and following it around. Carter attempted to join a kids dance party and spun around in his giraffe costume.

Sorry for the blur as Carter attempts to dance.

Here the kids are being silly and wearing hats I crocheted for them a long time ago. I can't believe they still fit. Ainsley loves to take my phone and pretend she's talking on it. That goes along with her personality of always wanting to do what adults do.

Here is one of Ainsley's attempts to fake cry...probably because she initially didn't want to wear the crochet hat I asked her to wear.

Here is Carter's tough look while wearing the hat.

Ainsley: "Haha, I took the hat off again."

This month also marks a milestone. My parents who usually watch them went on vacation with my sisters to Walt Disney World so Will took the week off to watch the twins. He started to potty train Ainsley who responded really really well to bribery. One cookie for pee pee and two cookies for poo poo.


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